Posted: 13th March 2020
Posted in: News
Dear Primex Networkers,
We are all aware of the health issue COVID-19 (Corona Virus) and want to update you on our planning in relation to this.
Norco Primex will be going ahead as planned May 21-23, 2020 at our Northern Rivers venue.
Both NSW Health and the Australian Health Protection Principal Committee (AHPPC), the federal body, both report that attending public events such as Primex are low risk. We will keep you updated on any changes.
We want to assure you that we are currently implementing the recommended extra safety measures and additional facilities in order to consider the general health and safety of visitors, exhibitors and staff at the event.
Primex will be supplying additional hand sanitisation facilities at our toilets and throughout the expo site and we remain in consistent contact with Richmond Valley Council and continue to monitor the COVID-19 situation as it continues to evolve.
The NSW Government’s new landing page that brings together content from multiple agencies across government is now live – www.nsw.gov.au/coronavirus and at this stage, the risk of community spread of COVID-19 in NSW is low, therefore NSW Health does not propose altering arrangements for public events. It is important to note that this advice is subject to change as the situation evolves.
Within the advice and as an event organiser, NSW Health encourages us to focus on:
- reminding the public and event workers not to attend if they are feeling unwell
- reminding the public and event workers they must not attend if they have been to a country considered at higher risk of COVID-19 (excluding airport transit) in the past 14 days
- ensuring your emergency management plan is up to date
- briefing your event staff on how to practice good hygiene and making it easy for staff and attendees to practice good hygiene
- having adequate hand washing facilities available.
If you are an attendee, NSW Health encourages you to:
- stay home and not attend if you are feeling unwell
- stay home and not attend if you have been to a country considered at higher risk of COVID-19 (excluding airport transit) in the past 14 days
- practice simple hygiene by:
- making sure to clean your hands thoroughly for at least 20 seconds with soap and water, or use an alcohol-based hand rub
- covering your nose and mouth when coughing and sneezing with tissue or a flexed elbow.
All related advice and information can be found at www.nsw.gov.au/coronavirus
Thank you for your continued support of our event and of the Northern Rivers Region as we are all looking forward to providing outstanding hospitality to everyone traveling to Casino, NSW.
Kind regards,
Bruce Wright Director – Primex Field Days